17 Innovative Ways to Hide Electrical Panel and Breaker Box with Creative Cover Ideas

Hide Electrical Panel Breaker Box Cover IdeasGo on, be honest:

You are aware that covering up electrical panel may not be a best practice from safety perspective, however the circuit breaker box is an eyesore that you are desperate to hide it.

While it is generally acceptable to cover an electrical fuse box as long as it is easy to open and you still have full access to the breakers –

covering breaker box can be a national electrical code violation until it passes the inspection of a licensed electrician.

Anyway, here are 17 inspiring videos that show innovative ways to hide electrical panel with creative cover and decoration ideas.

Recommended read: 15 Awesome Studies on Electrical Panel Wiring Inspection

#1: Circuit Breaker Box Cover with DIY Metal Piece

In this video, ChickFix USA demonstrated how she made use of some left over metal sheet to come out with a nice DIY cover for her circuit breaker box.

Check out how she did it, step by step:


#2: DIY Outdoor Electrical Box Cover with Door & Lock

The NextJeneration couple have an electrical box that is literally exposed right on the corner of their house, where everybody can see.

So they come out with a DIY electrical panel cover, in which the video below shows how they built it step by step, including the tools that they used.

They even included the detail drawing of this cover, with measurements indicated!


#3: Cool DIY Panel Box Cover Idea from Philippines

A creative idea from Zhei Angelz to hide the eyesore in his house.

Check out this tutorial video – the workmanship looked great too!


#4: Conceal Breaker Box in Common Area of Basement

ThisBetterHome shares a simple yet brilliant idea to cover an electrical breaker box installed in common area of basement:

He converted it to a little dress-up corner for kids, by putting a mirror over the actual circuit breaker box:


#5: DIY Decorative Electrical / Distribution Box

Check out this simple yet innovative idea by Isha’s Creative world:


#6: DIY Electrical Panel Cover With Old Cabinet Door

Have an electrical panel in your laundry room and want to hide it?

Recommended read: 9 DIY Energy Audits that Save BIG Money in Summer and Winter

Katie, a carpenter turned stay at home ‘Handymom’, made a custom DIY cover with an old vanity cabinet door – and here is how she did it:


#7: Hide Ugly Breaker Boxes with DIY Makeover

In this video, Tabitha Blue demonstrated how to hide electrical panel boxes and utilities with DIY makeover.

This is part of her big project to turn garage into a laundry room.


#8: Sliding Coat Hangar as Electric Panel Cover

A brilliant and practical idea!


#9: DIY Marble Breaker Panel Cover

Have ugly fuse box in your room and hate it?

This DIY room hack by Kimbyrleigha turned an eyesore into a cute marble magnetic board:


#10: Electric Panel Door in Basement

Jay Nawa shared his experience in the video below, on how to build an electric panel door when finishing the basement.

A hollow door was built to cover the electric panel.


#11: Custom Fuse Box Cabinet

In this video, Deer River Craftsman demonstrated how to make a custom fusebox cabinet –

to cover up the awkwardly placed fuse boxes in his kitchen.


#12: Electrical Panel Door with Magnets

Mike Fulton built this electrical panel door in his workshop.

The 50 inches x 22 inches wide panel cover looks professional!

Recommended read: 9 Garage Door Insulation DIY Ideas for Energy Efficiency


#13: Hide Electric Box in Common Area of Apartment

This project by DivingHeadFirst is made to cover an electric box in a common area of an apartment, right next to the front door.

Like this canvas print idea?


#14: DIY Fabric Panels to Cover Breaker Box

Chelsea Lipford Wolf created fabric panels to conceal a poorly placed electrical panel in a living room.

She built frames from inexpensive lumber and cover with fabric, stapling on the back of the frame, and hang it to cover the breaker box.


#15: Easy DIY Wall Decor to Hide Main Switch Box

Here is an DIY idea of Besties Tamil, on how to hide main electrical switch box.

This is a non-English video, but you should be able to get the idea by watching it:


#16: Hide Electrical Panel with Painting

This DIY video by ‘Engineering my Life’ shows an example of how to hide electrical panel with a decorative picture.

This idea will need a painting or frame that is larger than your electrical panel, 2 small hinges or 1 large hinge, screws, screwdriver, and 2 picture hooks.


#17: Circuit Panel Wooden Cover with Door

In this video, Mardak Workshop shared the steps to build a circuit panel wooden cover with door, and how it was built in workshop.

You can adapt this idea to make a similar customized solution that meet your needs.